Hello, I'm Simon Bastide. As a researcher in biomechanics and kinesiology, I've spent years immersed in studying human movement. Along the way, I encountered a persistent challenge: efficiently managing and analyzing the vast amounts of data generated by my research.

Like many in our field, I struggled with data that was overwhelming in both size and complexity. Traditional tools and methods weren't keeping pace with the demands of modern research. Frustrated by the inefficiencies, I decided to look beyond the usual solutions.

I ventured into the realm of data science and discovered a range of tools and techniques—advanced statistical models, programming packages, modern data stacks—that could revolutionize the way we handle research data. Integrating these into my work wasn't always straightforward, but the results were transformative. Data processing became more efficient, analyses more insightful, and new avenues of research opened up.

Realizing that others might be facing similar hurdles, I decided to share my experiences. My goal is to bridge the gap between human movement research and data science, helping fellow researchers enhance their work using these powerful tools.

Through my newsletter, "Data Science and Human Motion," and this website, I share practical insights, tools, and techniques that I've found valuable.

I'm continuing to explore this intersection and invite you to join me on this journey.

Join the Conversation

If you've faced similar challenges with data in your research or are interested in how data science can enhance the study of human movement, I invite you to connect. Subscribe to my newsletter for practical insights and let's explore these possibilities together.

Simon Bastide